Monday, September 1, 2008

Heredity is a bitch...

Born with a predisposition to produce excessive amounts of uric acid, I've enjoyed visits from my old friends, The Kidney Stones over the years. This Summer, their close relative, Mr. Gout has come by three times in a month and a half, always using the left ankle/foot guest room. Consequently, my riding/kayaking/hiking time has been seriously curtailed as I hobble about. I have a very active and often physical job, I've been pushing myself to get to work and beat the crap out of myself (gotta put food on the table) with no energy for the fun stuff. All this down time has me reading and rereading old issues of Dirt Rag, logging onto almost fanatically and buying gear online that I'm not getting much of a chance to use. The treatment so far has been medication, that dosen't seem to be working, tomorrow I'm off to see my doctor(again) with a list of demands. We'll see what happens...

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